For nerd-alert-y things from people who have lived on Park Street. Duh.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Whoa. Stereo photographs without all that eyecrossing.

By rapidly moving the image between two perspectives, these images appear to the brain as 3D.

read more | digg story


Tony said...

these links don't seem to connect to
the pictures they promise!

Gaston said...

Click the Read More link...

Tony said...

Now I see I have to scroll down, but where is the stereo effect?

Gaston said...

Once all the images load, they each start flickering between two shots taken from slightly different points of perspective. Which for some weird reason is enough to make the images look 3D.

Tony said...

I had to change browsers. Safari doesn't do it but Firefox did. And you can see stereo with one eye!

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